À dorite-to the right À gauche - to the left á la seconde - to the second (side) á terre- on the ground (floor) adage - at ease, leisure - slowly arabesque - a Morrish ornament. The longest line the body can make from fingertips to toes allégro - fast, lively, brisk assemblé- joined or assembled together, usually in the air attitude- standing on one leg, other leg lifted & bent (usually in the front or back)
balancé- rocking ballerina - female dancer ballet - an artistic dance in which music, movement & mime are used as a part of theatrical performance, often suggesting a story, mood, or idea. ballon - balloon - light, ball-like bounce battement - beating, kick battement frappe- to strike bourree- a series of quick little steps in 5th position releve, changing weight from one foot to the other traveling in any direction. bras - arms brisé-broken
cabride-caper, leap chainés- chains, links changement- changing chasse- chase ciseaux-scissors coda-the last section of a grand pas de duex (finale) corps de ballet - a body of dancers who dance in a group or groups forming the chorus of a ballet cou-de-pied- the neck of the foot, the ankle coupé- cut, cutting couru- running croisé- crossed
degagé- disengaged demi- half derriere- behind devant- front developpé- to unfold
écarté- open, wide apart échappé- escaping effacé- shaded élancé- darting en cloche-bell-like, brushing thru first en de hors-outward en dedons-inward en diagonale- in the diagonal en laire- in the air entrecaht-interweaving (beating step)
failli-giving away fermé- to close fondu - melting fouette- whipped glissade- gliding grand- big
jeté- thrown
pas-step pas de bourrée- a series of 3 steps done in any direction or turning. pas de deux- step of two, a dance for two passé- pass penché-tilt, slope, incline, lean piqué- pricked pirouetté-whirl or spin plié- bending or bent pointe tendu- point stretched premier danseur- first male dancer, leading male dancer
ouverte- open
relevé-raised retiré-retired, withdrawn rond-round rond de jamb- round of the leg, circle of the leg
sans changer- without change sauté- jumping saut de basque- Basque jump soubresaut-spring or bournd soutanu-sustained sur- on, upon
temps-timed temps levé- timed raised temps lié- connected movement tendue- stretched tour- turn
variation- a solo dance volé-to fly