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"Eyes Upon A Dancer Teacher," "No title," "Just To Dance"


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from Dancer's Domain,

"Eyes Upon A Dance Teacher"
There are little eyes upon you
And they're watching night and day.
There are little ears that quickly
Take in every word you say.
There are little hands all eager
To do anything you do;
And a little girl who's dreaming
Of the day she'll be like you.

You're the little girl's idol,
You're the wisest of the wise.
In her little mind about you
No suspicions ever rise.
She believes in you devoutly,
Holds all you say and do;
She will say and do in your way
When she's all grown up like you.

There's a wide eyed little girl
Who believes you're always right;
And her eyes are always opened,
And she watches day and night.
You are setting an example
Every day in all you do,
For the little girl who's waiting
To grow up to be like you.

No Title
As if I am reaching for the stars,
outstretched arms, open and inviting.
Gentle smiles tell stories of lives and love,
the movements so enticing.
Smooth steps and turns, arms precise.
What a feeling, all those eyes and brightly colored lights.
I watch from the crowd and I see from the stage,
I yearn for the day when I can dance with such grace.
For now I simply practice and hope the curtain will raise,
And pour my heart out when dancing
and hope the music never dies.
by Cindijo Betrand

Just To Dance
by Linda Staten
Just to dance--
just to let the music take you
in a way that seems to make you
feel suspended everytime you leave the floor...

Just to soar--
in a moment free and aerial
to rise magically ethereal,
like an angel in a gossamery swirl...

Just to whirl--
and to nimbly pirouette
into a twirling silhouette,
high on pointe, with muscles taut down to your toes...

Just to pose--
with body sculpted, statuesque,
to excute an arabesque,
and with fragile, artful grace sustain your stance...

Just to prance--
to step in flawless syncopation
with the corps in tight formation,
marking time with every heartbeat, every turn...

Just to yearn--
to be poetry in motion,
and, with disciplined devotion,
to create a thing of beauty and romance...

Just to dance!

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