Pas de Espirit
Barre Exercises


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For those of us who can't think up our own... (like me)

These are stolen from my summer intensive, done in this order (more or less)


These are the easy ones!

start in first.

2 demi plie, 1 grande plie. repeat in second, fourth, fifth, then take a balance in fifth. come down. full port de bras down, back, into the barre, and away. another balance in fifth. repeat on other side.


1. Slow Exercise. Start in fifth.
tendu with the ball of the foot. point, back to ball. point, ball. point, roll in to fifth. Repeat side and back. Passe releve balance, close front in fifth.
Tendu three times, concentrating on the ball-toe movement. repeat second and back.

2. Fast Exercise. (can't think of a medium at the moment)
Start in fifth.
Four tendus front. Four tendus side, closing front, back, front, back. four tendus back. Hold in sousou.
Three tendus back, sousou. three tendus side (front, back, front), sousou. Three tendus front, sousou and turn. Repeat other side.


Start in fifth.
Three degage front, holding the last. Repeat.
Repeat side, (closing front, back, front) and back. Spring passe releve. Repeat exercise en releve, facing the barre if needed.


Start in fifth, facing the barre.
Three frappes front, side (back front back) and back. Quick petit battements, closing back.
Repeat on other leg.

(frappes on flat may be done striking the floor or silently, however your studio teaches. Or do both! But frappes en releve DO NOT strike the floor!)

Rond de jambe with port de bras.

Start in first.
Four full rond de jambes, hold leg 45* in front. Carry side, back, tendu back, and close in first. Repeat with rond de jambes in opposite direction (yes, i forget the word for it). Hold the leg at 45* back, carry side, front, tendu front, and close in fifth front.
Full port de bras front, and back, into the barre, and away from the barre.
Repeat carrying the leg at 45* front, side, back, tendu back, and hold in a sousou. Balance.


1. Simple Exercise.
Start in fifth.
Three fondus front, hold the third. Tendu, close front. Three fondus side, closing back front (hold the third!) back. Three fondus back. Sousou and turn, do other leg.

2. For medium exercise, do the same, en releve.

3. Hard Exercise.
Start in fifth.
Fondu, developpe, releve, tendu, close flat. Repeat side, back, sousou turn, other leg.
(i find the above excruciatingly painful, when done slowly and correctly)

That's all for now! that should kill you enough ;)

After this, do sixteen echappes and The Barre Stretch (all ballerinas should know that! At least, at my studio we do..) Then move on to center! (those exercises coming later...sometime..)

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