number) Name of exercise. What parts of the body will benefit from this exercise. Number of times you do it.
Starting position.
How to do the exercise.
*things to think about while doing exercise, if any*
Keep those abs in!!!
1)The Hundred. Abs, Pecs, Breathing, Strengthening, Oxygenating Blood. Do 100.
Lie flat on back, chin to chest, pull knees into chest, arms over head.
Slowly bring arms up, reach past feet, and pulse. Breathe out thru mouth for five counts, then in for five counts. Repeat until you reach 100.
when you graduate past that - do them with legs lifted at 90*, slowly down to a lower angle
*count by 5's or 10's*
2)The Roll-Up. Abs. Do about 8.
Lie flat, arms over head, legs out, feet flexed.
Inhale as you slowly roll up. Exhale and reach past feet, slightly point toes. Inhale and slowly roll back down, exhale when you reach floor, arms back over head.
-can do with bent or straight legs-
*very smooth and slow*
4)Leg Circles. Tones muscles around legs. Do twice on each side.
Lie flat on floor, legs out and straight, arms at side.
Bring one knee up, then straighten. Make 5 outward circles with leg, then 5 inward circles. Bring leg in, then down.
-variation-keep knee bent, make circle with knee-
*Slow breathing. Don't rock hips!!! Move only leg.*
5)Rolling. Abs. For control. Do about five.
Sit up straight, knees into chest, arms around knees (holding legs). Balance there.
Roll back onto shoulders and back up again.
*Should be slow and controlled. Relax back to go down, Use stomach to bring you up.*
6) Single Leg Stretches. Abs & Hip flexers. Do about 8.
Lie flat, spine on floor, abs in, chin on chest. One knee in, opposite hand on opposite knee, same hand on same ankle. Other leg slightly off floor, softly pointed.
Switch legs, pull bent one in. Alternate breathing. One on each leg = 1.
*SLOW. Will not work any muscles if done fast.*
7) Double Leg Stretch. Abs & hip flexers. Do about 10.
Elbows on floor, hold head up. Knees into chest, chin to chest.
Extend legs to 45* angle, back in. Inhale as you open, exhale close.
-later add arms- up, down & around. Similar to butterfly stroke. 5 out, and 5 in(reverse)
8) Spine Stretch. Lengthening your whole spine. Do about 10.
Sit up tall, legs a little bit more than hip widths apart, arms on thighs. Relax shoulders, heels on the floor.
Do small lower spine/tailbone (lumbar section) contractions.
9)Open-leg Rocking. Abs. Control. 10, start with 5.
Start sitting up straight, legs in a V, holding ankles.
Roll onto your shoulders and back up.
10)The Saw. Spine Rotation. 10.
Sit up tall, feet slightly wider than hips. Feet flexed. Both legs on floor, straight.
Twist torso, go over and saw off pinkie toe, looking to back hand. Come back to center, turn, and do other side.
11)The Swan. Back extension. 5 or 6.
Lie on stomach, hands front and side from shoulders. Legs straight behind, apart.
Exhale and slowly lift torso off floor. Inhale and slowly back down. Smooth.
12) Single Leg Kick. Hamstrings. 10.
Lie flat on stomach, resting on elbows, hands clasped.
Kick leg to butt, one kick flex, one kick point. Both legs =1. Inhale with one leg, exhale with other.
*Stomach off mat, tight!*
13) Rest Position. Spine Relaxation.
Curl up in ball, arms side. Keep breathing.
14) Neck Pull. Abs. 5. *~Have a partner hold your feet, or tuck them under something to hold them down~*
Sit-up position. Keep legs apart. Shoulders relaxed. Dont let arms come to ears.
Slow sit-up into straight position. Slowly back down.
15) Spine Twist. Spine Rotation. 10.
Sit up tall, legs lil wider than hips, feet flexed. Arms straight out.
Twist arms to side, bounce. Inhale to one side, exhale on other. Keep stomach tight.
16) Side Kick. Leg, Hip, Butt. 5 ea. leg.
Lie on side supporting head, other arm on floor. Make a V with your body.
Kick front, 2 bounces, back & 2 bounces. Lift ribcage up when kicking to back. Keep stomach in.
*Keep leg in line when kicking to back*
17) Hip Release. Turnout. 10 ea. leg - 5 in, 5 out
Life flat on floor, on back, legs straight.
Bring on leg in to bent knee. Rotate outward 5 times, (straightening leg when bringing knee down) then 5 times inward. Repeat on other leg.
18)Spine Rotation Stretch. Spine flexibility. 5 each arm.
Lie on side, legs at 90* angle, knees bent Arms striaght out in front, on top of ea. other.
Bring top arm up and over, twisting to side. Inhale when bringing arm up, exhale when touching floor.
*Slow and controlled, dont flop arms*
19)The Cat Stretch. Spine. 6.
On hands & knees.
Exhale while contracting spine up, inhale and release it as low as you can go. Drop head when back is up, up when down.
*best to do in a mirror to make sure your back is right*
20)Hip Rolls. Back. Do 8.
On your back. Knees bent, feet flexed.
Exhale and roll your hips upwards until they are in a straight diagonal line from ur knees to ur shoulders. Inhale while hips are up, exhale while rolling down.
21) Upper Back Stretch. Shoulder blades. (in two parts)
1. Lie flat on back, legs out, arms at both sides. Bring arms up, inhale and reach them up, feeling shoulder blades lift off floor. Exhale and place shoulder blades on floor. Repeat three times.
2. Same position. Circle arms - straight up, above head, back down to sides, up again, while keeping shoulder blades on floor. Do 5 times, then reverse for a total of 10.
*for second part - keep those shoulder blades on the floor!!*
22) Head Nods. Lengthening Neck. Do 6.
Lie flat on back, head straight, legs out, arms at sides.
Inhale and tuck chin to chest, exhale and release.
This is ALMOST all. I haven't typed up the rest (as you can guess, it takes a while.) |