My Favorites

La crema de la crema.

The cream of the cream.

Here are some of my favorite quotes and pics...

from Reaching for Dreams : A Ballet from Rehearsal to Opening Night(book), by Susan Kuklin
"I enjoy dancing so much, have such a passion for it. It is not something I have to do. It is something I want to do." -Gary DeLoatch

"I hold a lot of things inside me that I can get out by dancing." -Debby Manning

"When I dance, I can get away from myself. I become other people - people that I already am but don't let out in everyday life." -Debora Chase

"Dancers must look into themselves. To dance who you are, you must first KNOW who you are." -Angeline Wolf

"What is our impulse to dance? I'm not sure. I think we have things inside of us that we want to share with the world. We want to show the world who we are." -Christopher Pilafian

"Dancers are there own worst critics."

"In order to become an artist, not just a dancer, one must not worry about technique all the time. What is inside the dancer is what counts. That is the difference between being a plain performer and being an artist." -Elizabeth Roxas

***the below pictures are from Dancer's Domain***



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